21st-century Europe shamefully pardons the atrocious crimes of communism through the election of Sergei Stanishev as a President of the Party of European Socialists (PES)

I am a Bulgarian. In the 20th century my country Bulgaria experienced one of the most
oppressive communist regimes that has ever existed in world’s history. I would like to share with
every democratic European citizen the painful story of the horrible atrocities, committed by the
Bulgarian Communist Party, the only party ruling Bulgaria during Bulgaria’s vicious communist regime
1944-1989. Since 1989 the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) has cosmetically changed its name to
Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), without ever apologizing or taking any responsibility for its numerous
crimes against humanity. In 2013 the leader of BSP happens to be one Sergei Stanishev, who last year
was also elected President of the Party of European Socialists (PES). I am sure all European socialists
would like to learn much more about their new president Sergei Stanishev, as well as about BSP/BCP,
the party that he is a leader of in Bulgaria.
On 16.04.1925 the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) committed the greatest and bloodiest
terrorist act in world’s history up to that date, against its own people. BCP was an opposition party at
the time, so it decided to fight the official Bulgarian authorities by blowing off the Orthodox Christian
church “Sveta Nedelia” in Sofia, full of Bulgarian citizens, congregated for an Easter Mass, on Good
Thursday. The death toll stood at 134 people, 213 were injured. BSP/BCP has never condemned this
heinous terrorist act, but what is even more appalling, if one goes to www.bsp.bg, the official
website of BSP in 2013, one can read in Bulgarian the entire history of the party, where they quite
innocently mention this particular terrorist act of theirs as a “necessary use of revolutionary terror”,
without even a single sentence of regret or apology about it. Sergei Stanishev is the current leader of
BSP and PES.
After the Soviet occupation of Bulgaria on 09.09.1944, BCP/BSP took the full power in
Bulgaria and immediately set up a People’s Tribunal against anyone in the country, who wasn’t
communist by values. Within about 4 months the colossal 2730 Bulgarians were sentenced to death
and 305 Bulgarians were given the life sentence. In comparison, during the Nuremberg Trials only 19
people were sentenced, 12 of whom, to death. In effect, the People’s Tribunal, set up and conducted
by BCP/BSP in the name of communism, obliterated the political, military and intellectual elite of
Bulgaria at the time. Sergei Stanishev is the current leader of BSP and PES.
Post 1944, the party, which had the full power in Bulgaria, i.e. BSP/BCP, set up 86
concentration camps or “death camps” all over the country for its political enemies, closely
resembling the Soviet Gulag camps. In effect, BSP/BCP was committing genocide against its own
people on a massive scale. According to historians, between 1944 and 1962 about 285000 Bulgarians
were sent to these concentration camps. The number of those who never came out of them alive is
unknown. BSP and its entire leadership vehemently deny the existence of these crimes against
humanity and haven’t offered any apology to the Bulgarian society. There isn’t a single sentence
about these concentration camps on www.bsp.bg, either, as if these crimes had never been. Sergei
Stanishev is the current leader of BSP and PES.
In 1978 Todor Zhivkov, the leader of BCP/BSP at the time and Bulgaria’s totalitarian leader,
ordered the assassination of the famous Bulgarian dissident, Georgi Markov, who was living in
London and was very critical of the communist regime in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian Secret Service and
KGB were assisting the BCP/BSP leader in the implementation of this political murder. Markov waskilled with an umbrella stabbing, since the murder weapon was an umbrella with a hidden pneumatic
mechanism, which shot out a small poisonous pellet containing ricin. This assassination became one
of world’s all-time greatest spy mysteries and the murder weapon was infamously called “the
Bulgarian Umbrella”. Dimitar Stanishev, a father of Sergei Stanishev and a high-rank communist
official in 1978, was one of Todor Zhivkov’s most faithful friends among the BCP/BSP leadership at
the time. Sergei Stanishev is the current leader of BSP and PES.
During the totalitarian regime, BCP/BSP created the State Security Service (SSS) in Bulgaria, a
vast secret spy network, which was working to insure the welfare of the ruling party against threats
from its own people. Men were forced to spy on their friends, wives on their husbands, so that
eventually anyone, who was even slightly critical of BCP/BSP should be sent to the specially
designated 86 concentration camps for political enemies. Only a couple of weeks ago a scandalous
spy recruitment file emerged, which reveals that Sergei Stanishev himself was secretly spying for SSS
under the code name “Moscow”. This SSS recruitment file was very quickly disclaimed by Evtim
Kostadinov, the chairman of the Bulgarian “SSS Files Committee” (www.comdos.bg ), as falsified and
untrustworthy, but serious doubts remained, since Evtim Kostadinov is himself a former BSP member
of parliament (2005-2007). Moreover, Georgi Parvanov, from whom Sergei Stanishev took over the
BSP leadership in 2001, is a proven SSS spy, who operated under the code name “Goce”. Georgi
Parvanov was elected twice President of Bulgaria and has never even apologized for his undeniable
SSS collaboration. Sergei Stanishev is Georgi Parvanov’s direct successor on the BSP leadership
Another notorious crime against its own people, committed by BCP/BSP, happened in the
spring of 1986 when the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in nearby Ukraine occurred. Out of loyalty to
their Soviet comrades the Bulgarian Communist Party elite decided to utterly hide from the entire
Bulgarian population the news about this major failure in the “impeccable” communist world. The
intact image of Communism seemed to be more important than the health of an entire nation. Left
in the dark and unaware of the radiation threat to their health for over a month, the entire Bulgarian
population, but the communist party members, would consume fresh radiation fruit and vegetables.
The consequences of this criminal act on the entire Bulgarian population’s health are hard to
measure, but certainly will be long-lasting. Sergei Stanishev is the current leader of BSP and PES.
In 2013 Bulgaria shamefully is still a country, in which BSP/BCP is set to potentially win the
upcoming May parliamentary elections. This vicious party and its members are still integral part and
parcel of Bulgaria’s political class, to an extent that even Bulgaria’s current Chief Prosecutor Sotir
Cacarov is a former BCP member. It has become apparent that in Bulgaria this semi-terrorist party
BCP/BSP will never be condemned or punished for its numerous crimes against humanity. However,
the fact that The Party of European Socilaists (PES) would appoint Sergei Stanishev as its current
leader, means that Europe, as a whole, chooses to forget the millions innocent victims of
communism, to put as a protector of the European democratic and socialist values a man with a
criminal-party totalitarian background, and to legalize injustice and atrocious crimes against
humanity. If PES accepts BSP with its blood-smeared legacy as part of its body and its history, then
this is a shameful fact for European socialism as a whole. As a Bulgarian and a European citizen, I do
believe that all Europeans, as well as all European socialists deserve to know the truth. If Europe
decides to ignore this darkest side of its recent history, then democracy and democratic values are
really at stake for all of us.


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